- The Section shall be known as the Association for Africanist Anthropology (AFAA, henceforth referred to as the Association) of the American Anthropological Association.
- The purpose of the Association shall be to stimulate, strengthen, and advance anthropology by promoting the study of Africa, as well as Africanist scholarship and the professional interests of Africanist anthropologists in the U.S., and both in and outside of the African Continent.
- To facilitate the discussion of Africanist scholarship and to emphasize its relationship to the development of comparative theory, field work methodology, and theoretical models for the discipline of anthropology, both historically as well as in the contemporary period.
- To emphasize the contributions of African research and data for the development of the four-field approach in anthropology, and for the continued development of these sub-disciplines as well as the now global concerns of applied anthropology.
- To contribute anthropological knowledge to the interdisciplinary efforts to address the contemporary problems facing the Continent of Africa and its people, and to encourage the discussion of Africa among non-Africanist scholars, associations, and research institutions.
- To encourage African-focused perspectives and to establish links with Anthropological associations in Africa and with the African diaspora, for professional collaboration in teaching, research, and scholarship.
- To promote the professional interests of Africanist anthropologists and to encourage stronger professional ethics in the anthropology of Africa.
- To encourage and promote existing African Studies programs and to foster the development of such programs within university settings.
- To help anthropology produce the next generation of anthropologists who will increasingly be called upon to serve in both governmental and non-governmental agencies concerned with global affairs.
- The Association shall be autonomous in all matters within its field that are consistent with the Bylaws of the American Anthropological Association.
- The Association shall have an Executive Board composed of a President, a President-Elect, Past-Presidents, a Secretary, Treasurer, and other elected or appointed members as set forth in these Bylaws.
- The Association is empowered to determine membership dues.
- The Association shall determine voting requirements on all of its matters.
- The Association may engage in publishing and program activities, appoint editors, committees and other agents, set publication and program policies appropriate to its purposes, consistent with guidelines established by the AAA.
- The Association may publish a Section Newsletter.
- The Association shall have the power to appoint an Editor, who shall have full charge of the Association’s newsletter and other publications of the Association, under the direction of the Executive Board. The Editor shall develop and head a Publication Committee, shall submit records relating to publications to the Treasurer, and shall submit an annual report to the Executive Board.
- The Association may organize and sponsor sub-groups, research and other educational projects, and work with other organizations in order to pursue common interests and goals as appropriate to its goals.
- The Association may establish a Senior Advisory Committee to assist in achieving its stated goals.
- The Association shall adopt and maintain Bylaws and or rules of procedure consistent with the Bylaws of the American Anthropological Association. The Association shall file with the AAA Secretary a copy of its current Bylaws, Rules of Procedure, and Table of Organization.
ARTICLE V. Membership
- Membership in the Association shall be open to any member in good standing of the American Anthropological Association who supports the purposes stated in article II, subject to the payment of dues and compliance with the other requirements stipulated by the Executive Board of the Association.
- A member in good standing shall be eligible to hold elective or appointive office, participate in the scientific program, receive publications, and have a vote in nominating and electing officers and the transaction of other business of the Association.
- For just cause, a member may be deprived of membership by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board of the Association, subject to appeal of the members at the Annual Meeting.
- The Executive Board of the Association shall recommend the annual dues of members and may establish rates for special categories, such as student members and joint (husband/wife) members, international members, contributing members, and life members.
- Any member in arrears in the payment of dues shall lose all membership privileges.
- The officers shall be an elected President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and Treasurer.
- The President shall be the presiding officer of the Association.
- The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in the event of absence, death, resignation, or incapacity of the President, and shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the term as President-Elect.
- The Secretary shall have charge of the records of the Association, and shall compile the minutes of the Annual Business Meetings and other special meetings, the reports of Officers of the Association, and other reports necessary for the Association’s Annual Report.
- The Treasurer shall work with the AAA to submit a report annually, and shall draft a budget for the approval of the Executive Board not less than sixty (60) days before the Annual Meeting.
- In addition to these officers, the Association will elect two International Liaisons whose function is the promotion of the scholarly, research, and professional activities of the Association abroad on the continent of Africa and elsewhere.
- In addition to these officers, the Association will elect two Program Editors whose function is to serve on the AAA Program Committee on behalf of the Association.
- The terms of office of all officers shall be two years, commencing at 9 o’clock p.m., on the third day of the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
ARTICLE VIII. Executive Board
- There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the officers, the Past-President, and Members at Large as chosen by the Association.
- During the first year, members of the Interim Executive Board and the Past-President shall serve on the Executive Board.
- Subject to the directives and limitations imposed by the members of the Association, the Executive Board shall have the authority to execute on behalf of the Association all powers and functions defined in these Bylaws.
- The Executive Board shall meet at least once annually prior to the time of the Annual Meeting, and may meet additionally on the call of the President or a majority vote of the Executive Board.
- The Executive Board shall make all non-elective appointments and may make interim appointments to fill vacancies in any elective office until the next regularly scheduled election.
- The Executive Board shall appoint an Editor to fulfill the duties and powers outlined above.
ARTICLE IX. Committees
- The Executive Board shall bring before the membership proposals for standing committees and shall be empowered to appoint ad hoc committees.
- The addition to the Executive Board, there shall be standing committees consisting of the Program Committee, the Publication Committee, the Senior Advisory, and others created by the Executive Board.
- The functions of the Program Committee are to organize sessions and special events at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association under the auspices of the Association and; to keep track of other professional events and meetings of interest to the membership.
- The functions of the Publications Committee are to work under the direction of the Editor and the Executive Board, and in accordance with AAA guidelines to organize and have published in the Association’s Newsletter.
- The Senior Advisory Committee shall be composed of noted Africanists inside and outside of the Continent of Africa. The function of the Senior Advisory Committee is to offer advice and assistance in achieving the purpose and goals of the Association, and in promoting the professional interest of Africanist anthropologists.
- The initial officers and Executive Board of the Association are to installed by the Interim Committee and to serve until 1994 elections are held. Consistent with AAA policies and procedures.
ARTICLE X. Annual Report
- During the Association’s Annual Business Meeting, the Executive Board shall report its activities to the membership and to the Board of Directors of the American Anthropological Association. The report shall include the reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and other officers and agents representing the Association.
ARTICLE XI. Meetings
- The Association shall hold an Annual Business Meeting during the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
- The place and date of the Annual Meeting shall be announced in AAA publications and disclosed to the members not less than one hundred twenty days in advance of the meeting.
- Additional meetings and sessions may be organized by the Program Committee Chairperson who has responsibility for the scientific program of the Association, in conjunction with the Executive Board.
- Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board or upon written request of five (5) percent of the members.
- Five (5) percent of the Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at the Annual Business Meeting.
- A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.
- The business of the Association shall be transacted by majority vote unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
ARTICLE XIII. Nominations and Elections
- Candidates for any elective office may be nominated by the Executive Board, by a Nominations committee, or by members of the Association. All candidates shall be members in good standing of the Association.
- The Nominating Committee of three (3) members shall be appointed annually by the Executive Board.
- The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one (1) but not more than two (2) persons for each other vacant office. These nominations shall be made known to the members at least one hundred twenty (120) days before the Annual Meeting.
- Any three (3) members in good standing may nominate an additional candidate for any office, provided the nomination is received in writing by the Secretary in sufficient time for inclusion in the annual ballot of the AAA and provided the candidate expresses a willingness to serve in writing.
- The Secretary shall inform the prospective nominee of the probable extent of the burden of office. A nomination becomes effective only upon filing with the Secretary, a statement of willingness and ability to devote such time to the affairs of the Association as necessary to the effective execution of office.
ARTICLE XIV. Balloting
- A Member in good standing shall be entitled to cast one ballot in any election or referendum.
- Ballots shall be submitted and tallied in accordance with the AAA balloting process.
- The candidate receiving the most votes for a contested office shall be elected. The Executive Board of the Association shall hold a run-off election in accordance with AAA balloting procedures to resolve all ties.
- Thirty (30) days shall be allowed for the return of ballots. Ballots must be received by the Secretary not later than the stated return date to be counted.
- An independent agency may be engaged to tally the votes and to certify the results to the Executive Board of the Association.
- The candidate receiving the most votes for a contested office shall be elected. The Executive Board of the Association shall hold a run-off election within ninety (90) days in the event of a tie vote.
ARTICLE XV. Referenda
- A referendum may be conducted by mail ballot at any time upon initiation of the Executive Board of the Association, or upon receipt by the Secretary of a petition signed by ten members or five (5) percent of the members in good standing, whichever is less.
- The fiscal year of the Association shall be that of the American Anthropological Association.
- The Association shall submit an annual operating budget to the American Anthropological Association Board of Directors, which, when approved, shall govern Association activities.
- The income from annual dues and from investments and other sources shall constitute a working fund, available for operating, publication, and current expenses, consistent with the purpose of the Association.
- In accordance with AAA policy, no financial obligation in excess of the fifty (50) percent level of the balance available shall be assumed by the Executive Board of the Association or any officer on behalf of the Association.
- The Association may establish special funds to be administered by the American Anthropological Association for purposes the Association may designate.
ARTICLE XVII. Amendments
- These Bylaws may be amended by the Members by balloting in accordance with AAA procedures, provided that a proposed amendment is approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.
- Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Board of the Association or by ten (10) members in good standing. The Executive Board shall have the proposed amendment circulated to the Members and it shall allow for the return of ballots in accordance with AAA balloting procedures.
- The amendments and provisions of these Bylaws shall be effective immediately upon adoption, and shall supersede and nullify all previous ammendments and provisions.
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